LeapReader™ Junior Book: Team UmiZoomi: Playground Power
Type: Book
Curriculum: Numbers
Works With: LeapReader Junior, Tag Junior
Publisher: Nickelodeon

When a rainstorm makes a mess of UmiCity's playground, count on Team UmiZoomi to save the day.

Listening skills
Discover 150+ audio responses and celebrate a job well done by singing along to the original song, “Let’s Celebrate!”

Mighty math powers
Help the Team count objects, build a bulldozer using Super Shapes and fix the Bouncy Bridge using Pattern Power.

About the series
As children tap story pages and hear words read out loud, they begin to see how print works and build word and picture associations.
- Product dimensions: 5.1Wx8.8Hx0.6D
- Product weight: 0.6 lbs
- Numbers
- Patterns
- Shapes