Learning Friends Preschool Adventures: Tiger Counts!
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Learning Friends Preschool Adventures: Tiger Counts!

Ages 3-4 yrs.
Tiger is turning four years old, and she’s counting on her friends to help her have a super fun picnic party. Use early mathematics skills to help set the table for a picnic, open presents, sort balloons and make it the best birthday ever!

Type: Learning Game

Curriculum: Mathematics

Works With: LeapPad Academy, LeapPad Ultimate, LeapPad Jr., LeapFrog Epic Academy Edition, LeapFrog Epic, LeapPad Platinum, LeapPad3, LeapPad Ultra, LeapPad2, LeapPad1

Publisher: LeapFrog

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Use mathematics to help Tiger celebrate her birthday at a fun picnic party with the Learning Friends!

Lunchtime counts

Help set the table for lunch using counting skills. Learn how the last number counted represents the total of the set.

Comparing cake

Tap candles to help Tiger blow them out, and use size comparison to serve up cake to friends.

Balloon sorting

Sort balloons using color, shape and number recognition through increasingly difficult levels.

About the series

The Learning Friends Preschool Adventures suite of titles (sold separately) helps children gain essential preschool skills through play.


  • Counting
  • Matching
  • Numbers
  • Sorting & Classifying
The Learning Difference

"A birthday party provides a familiar and fun context for discovering mathematics. Children see meaningful opportunities for mathematics as they use counting skills to help set the table, sort balloons with numbers and shapes, add and subtract gifts from the picnic blanket & more." --Pamela G., Learning Expert

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