(Spanish) Disney Princesas: Canciones de las Princesas
Type: Music
Curriculum: Just for Fun
Works With: LeapPad Academy, LeapPad Ultimate, LeapPad Jr., LeapFrog Epic Academy Edition, LeapFrog Epic, LeapPad Platinum, LeapPad3, LeapPad Ultra, LeapPad2, LeapPad1
Publisher: Disney Music

Included songs
No hablaré - I Won’t Say from Hercules
Algo ahí - Something There from Beauty and the Beast
Parte de él - Part of Your World from The Little Mermaid
Colores en el viento - Colors of the Wind from Pocahontas
Un mundo ideal - A Whole New World from Aladdin
Reflejo - Reflection from Mulan
Cuándo empezaré a vivir - When Will My Life Begin from Tangled
Eres tú el príncipe azul - An Unusal Prince/Once Upon a Dream from Sleeping Beauty
Llegaré - Almost There from The Princess and the Frog
Bibbidi-Babbidi-Bu - Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo from Cinderella
Tu resplandor - The Glow from the album Disney Pricesses: Fairy Tale Songs