Get Ready for Preschool: T-Rex Science Journey
Type: Learning Game
Curriculum: Science
Works With: LeapPad Academy, LeapPad Ultimate, LeapPad Jr., LeapFrog Epic Academy Edition, LeapFrog Epic, LeapPad Platinum, LeapPad3, LeapPad Ultra, LeapPad2, LeapPad1
Publisher: LeapFrog

Practise key science and maths skills with this Get Ready for Preschool title to help lay a foundation for future school success.

Problem solving
Add parts to Ty’s car—use bouncy tires, helicopter rotors and more to power past obstacles like boulders and vines.

Cause and effect
Tinker with the car design, and try out different tools to discover the relationship between forces and motion.

Counting & measurement
Count and compare dinosaur eggs, dinosaur footprints, mammoth tusks and more to move Ty’s car forward.

Science & maths skills
Use science and maths concepts to move Ty through six dinosaur worlds, each with five increasing difficulty levels.
- Engineering
- Measurement
- More Than/Less Than
- Physical Science
The Learning Difference
"A dinosaur driving adventure provides a roadmap for exposing children to early engineering concepts through problem-solving gameplay. Children are given opportunities to test out their designs and ideas using physical science and maths concepts, and they are encouraged to persist through challenges." --Clement C., PhD, Learning Expert
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