Get Ready for Kindergarten: Shapes and Patterns Puppet Party
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Get Ready for Kindergarten: Shapes and Patterns Puppet Party

Ages 3-5 yrs.
Explore shapes and patterns while making silly sock puppets.

Type: Learning Game

Curriculum: Mathematics

Works With: LeapPad Academy, LeapPad Ultimate, LeapPad Jr., LeapFrog Epic Academy Edition, LeapFrog Epic, LeapPad Platinum, LeapPad3, LeapPad Ultra, LeapPad2, LeapPad1

Publisher: LeapFrog

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Explore shapes and patterns while making silly sock puppets in the kindergarten classroom.


Trace and identify shapes, like triangles and trapezoids, and use them to create an original sock puppet.


Choose shapes and pictures to complete patterns, and use drawing skills to create a fun, colorful background.


Select a funny sock puppet name and silly voice. Tell a joke in the puppet show, and replay the laughs from the scrapbook.


  • Creating with Technology
  • Patterns
  • Shapes
The Learning Difference

"In this app, we don’t just assess children’s knowledge of shapes. When the child traces a shape, we tell them an important attribute about the shape so that they are introduced to the shape and its name, but they also learn about a distinguishing feature of the shape. They then apply their knowledge when they place the shapes on the puppet. This way, they learn about the shape and then have an opportunity to apply their shape knowledge in the next task." --Pam G., Learning Expert

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