Bubble Guppies: EveryBODY Swim
Ages 4-9 yrs.
Dive into 3 Bubble Guppies episodes all about the body! Scrub up with the Guppies to stay healthy, stop a tummy ache and get a check-up at the doctor & explore Bubbletucky using all five senses!
Type: Learning Video
Curriculum: Problem Solving
Works With: LeapPad Ultimate, LeapPad Jr., LeapPad Platinum, LeapPad3, LeapPad Ultra, LeapPad2
Publisher: Nickelodeon
©2016 Viacom International Inc

Included episodes
Swimtastic Check-Up!
Coldy With A Chance of Sniffles!
Come to Your Senses!
- Problem Solving
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©2016 Viacom International Inc