All About Feelings!
Type: Learning Game
Curriculum: Social Skills
Works With: LeapPad Ultimate, LeapPad Jr., LeapPad Platinum, LeapPad3, LeapPad Ultra, LeapPad2
Publisher: LeapFrog
Identify happy, sad, lonely, excited and other feelings. Help four kids choose responses like asking for help and sharing.
Deal with feelings
Perform fun calming activities to respond to feelings! Make rainbows, pet a cat or dog and tap storm clouds away.
Feelings book
Create pages in your feelings book for eight emotions. Decorate your pages with stickers that you earn while you play!
Express yourself
Draw pictures and take photos of things that make you happy! Save 50 pages of your images in your feelings book.
- Creating with Technology
- Feelings & Emotions
- Friendship
- Social Skills